My thoughts

So right now i'm on a point where i'm kinda stagnated. The facilities are too expensive on a daily basis and the sponsor money just keeps on getting lower and lower. The top sponsor for example went from around 67k to atm around 50k. Then also taking the reputation requirements in consideration some sponsors just ask to much for what they give.

Right now with 9 sponsors i make 407k, if I want to upgrade the gaming house to the next level (lvl 11) I have to pay 3.5mln(no problem) but the maintenance cost goes up from 198k to 350k. Now my expenses are 775k(with 1 youth player in training). With gaming house level 11 you can have another player in your team, but because you can only have 7 staf members at level 11(6 coaches + 1 pr is best) you will need a streamer cause if you get a player from the academy you will lose out on training. So if I want a player that I can actually make better you need to invest 6.4mln for gaming house level 12.

But the dealbreaker is the maintenance costs, for level 12 it's around 643k. If I add that to my current expenses without a youth player in training i need around 1.1mln every day. Even with the extra streamer that will net me around 30k per day I will lose around 300k per day. Hell, even if I get a new sponsor slot I lose money. For gaming house level 12 to break even, you need around 4 extra sponsor slots to break even. So what I think is best is to add new ways of income (merchandise), up the sponsor money a bit again or lower the costs cause I think that alot of people are kinda "stuck", if you know what I mean.

Also, lately i have been seeing people running strats with champions not in their original position, like weather girl jungle, pirate king adc, boomerang mid and a random AP carry as support. I think that champs that are not played in their original role should do as well as they are doing now. Cause when a pirate king adc is winning trades vs a ranged champ something is wrong. There need to be some consequences for playing a champ in an off role. Also I think kill status is still way too strong compared to the other ones. It still feels like a win lane win game cause some things are just way better then others.
Thank you for the feedback. I will take this topic up with Henri and Mikk and discuss this in our next meeting tomorrow.
Ok, i agree that at this level of the game we are limited on ressources, and it has been a long time i oppened the "facilities" section.
The sponsor part disturbs me as well. The decay is a bit frustrating. I recently saw a sponsor who gives 42k/day and requires 2350 elo.

But what u forgot is the streaming thing. Make your great players stream too and u will see. Of course they will make less soloQ but it can be worth, otherwise how people are able to gain more than 800k/day ?
Just check at my economic history :
If you see the numbers, i earn around 420k/day from streaming income due to all my players full streaming.

With a good HR reputation with high score in team reputation and player reputation, your players will earn a lot while streaming.
Until they find something else like :
- create better sponsors
- lower facilities maintenance costs
- create new ways of income.
Yet you can make ur players stream and have that extra money you need every day.
all my players have 10 streaming sessions making me from 65k(main team) to 23k (players who are not recieving training and are thus decaying). I also make around 420k with streaming but because of the decay only the players that get trained bring me alot of money
Ty for discussing this with the dev team, i really like the game and i've been playing since the first season in beta and i'm not planning to leave :P
So salty, so I deleted. <3
Just ask how people manage to gain reputation, it needs a good HR mostly.
Dare spend 15k/day for a good HR and you will see. Recently i had a rather 40% winrate, but i still have aroun 2900 reputation, it's all about how much you loose reputation per loss and how much you gain per win.
With 10/9/9/6 HR and 6 ranked teams/day you can have a decent reputation.
I have 9/9/9 HR for as long as I can remember :<
Also usually 4 ranked per day.
maybe not enough ranked, i used to play 4 for a moment, didn't show much results, rather go for 5 or more.