Teleport as a skill?

I think there should be a Global Awareness/Teleport skill included in the game. Though, seeing as it is also a sort of tendency, maybe it should exist as a kind of a balance between the two. Let's take top lane. As the most probable lane to use Teleport, their measure on this scale should tend towards Teleport rather than Global Awareness. A jungler needs to know what every lane is doing at any moment, what the enemy jungler does at any given time, when camps/objectives spawn, if he is vulnerable to an invade, or capable of invading the enemy jungle himself. Therefore, they will trend towards Global Awareness. A midlaner may roam, but his main focus is in waveclearing midlane for the first 20+ min. He is also viable to use Teleport, and maybe should be given some affinity to it. ADC is pretty straightforward, farm/trade and watch out for ganks. Support also roams quite a bit, and will also need a skill such Global Awareness as a helping hand on when/where to place wards, or trying to disrupt early enemy jungle camp clears if an opportunity arises.