Post update info and when new season starts


the update mentioned below is now completed:

Notes about updates:
- All the coaches will receive 5 in the stats that previously weren't available. I will do this after the update.
- Documentation about changes and new simulator I will write next week.

The new season will start on Sunday evening, after the daily update.
Meanwhile the plans are to:

1) Check that the game engine is stable, keep balancing it.
2) Check that all the other updates are stable and bugfree

After this is over then the next plans are:

1) Implement some much desired features (such as better transfer bidding system)
2) Start with the Achievements system
3) Automatic new champions each week
4) Automatic champion buffs and nerfs after each season end.

Good luck and have fun!
Tip: wait with hiring new coaches for a day, as the coaches currently on the market have 0 on the new skills( will be 5 also i think)
Henri pls dont debug us again
Nice work, keep it up!
What about new staff/merch etc?
They have the same deadline as the new champs, but don't feel that urgent right now.
New coaches keep getting "spawned" with 5 in the new stats aswell, plz look into this
I'm not sure where else to post this, but I've had two separate sandbox games so far where the enemy bot lane kills my bot lane in the same "tick" and the ADC is 2/0/2 and support is 0/0/4 after the double kill. They get the gold as if that's what happened as well and the game snowballs off it. Both times it happened right at the 3:35-3:40 tick and they jump up 1300 gold.


And strangely enough, in this game I do it at the same exact time from blue side but end up with both players 1/0/3 as the kills were split:

I can only imagine where the extra assists are coming from.