Training QoL improvements
I wanted to suggest a QoL change to make training easier to navigate. Whenever I have to change the training I have to open three pages. This should not be necessary. (1) the page to see what players are in which positions. (2) the staff page to see which coaches are good at training which positions. (3) the training page to adjust training hours.
I would like to suggest that the positions are put in brackets next to player names. Thereby eliminating the need for opening (1) the player page.
Next to add the coach stats underneath the table to adjust training hours thereby eliminating the need to open (2) the staff page. I much prefer scrolling up and down than switching tabs.
Additionally I would like to adjust the arrangement of coach stats which seems unordered right now to a more conscious order like: top, jungle, mid, adc, support.
Thank you for your time,