Pick/Bans & Meta

Can anyone give me some tips on understanding these things?
Is there a meta? Ex: Toplane tank or carry top? Utility mid? Carry jung? etc.
Does synergy between champions exist ? Like, should i be looking to get a synergizing botlane for myself or just the overall strong picks?
-Yes, there is some sort of meta.
- Toplane and Carry Top are both viable strats
- Utility is not a thing atm. Cut it
- Jungler are garbage.
-Synergy is not a thing yet. It's just an idea at this point.
Thanks for replying. I'm just trying to figure things out so that i can come up with a strategy in which my entire team does well. it feels like im winning off the back of my ADC at this point.
Hey tsmety i run utility!!
Gonna try without utility, see if it matters
That's why you are only div 2, tihihi burn

ok scratch that. maybe utility is a thing.
You can leave it at first, to try things, though.