How do i start a game?

I read over the beginner guild but doesnt explain on how to start an actual match. I already bought a staff member and sponsor. Sorry for asking. Im a pleb
Ranked and league games are automatic, once you get placed in them. It may take a bit as the game got a lot more new players than expected.

But, you can do sandbox games I believe. Literally, click on sandbox and it should bring you to the page. (I advise challenging people at 1200 elo or below, and adjust your strategies first before trying bigger game.)
It took me a while to understand this as well, but yes as long as you are not in a league only thing you can do is play 25 matches in sandbox every day.
First you will want to download League of legends, a lot of people miss this very important step. After you have done this make sure you blame everyone for being "scrubs" to quicken you way down into elo hell. Other wise known as the place were you fucking belong. Hope this helped!