
It would be pretty sick if there's an option like : When Blue > ban Arrow and go for birdman first, when red > don't ban arrow either bird and take both in first rotation or the one who isn't picked. etc. etc. (I know it's a lot of work, but that would give the game soooooo much deepness[2nd too]). Also making roaming deeper(Idk if you know the Fifa Manager Games, it's like this just for football (not egghand)). You had your Squad and could pull arrows how offesiv they should go when you've the ball//defensiv when the enemie had the ball.

Genreal: The idea is rly cool, if you work on it more, this could get one of the best things the league-com ever did :)
Hello! this is definitely a good idea, hopefully the developers would implemente it, I don't actually know their priority list but hopefully this comes up along a deeper champion pool.