
Maybe add a little Text how the Training (Staff) works, you just hire them and after that they are ... there ? I still don't know how it works exactly. Just a little text about the Training in the about category would be nice :)
Wrong Topic Name * - Training - Sorry
Yes, we definitely need to update the tutorials. However here is an quick overview:

Hiring a coach is easy, you just have to bet on one and hope that your bet is the highest. You can bet for one coach per day. In order to use coaches on players you need to go to your players tab and select which coach you wanna use on which player. Remember you have 10 units per day for each player so you have to figure out a best ratio between team tanked, soloq and training that works for you. Now the coaches will start increasing the certain skills of players and this is important when playing against other teams because higher skills means higher winning chances.

Let me know if there are any further questions.
After we hire the coaches we lose what stats they have. Can you make it to after we hire them to be able to see our coaches stats under the STAFF tab.