Ranked Game?

How/When do ranked team games occur?
Click on Games --> Upcoming, and your schedule for Ranked games and League games will be listed. If none are on there, then they still need to be schedules through the system itself.

Solo queue games from players I've yet to see any info on, however I hope, and assume, that will be implemented at a future time. Hope this helps =D
Hello there! the games schedule can be accessed through the Games tab then go into the "upcoming" section.

This is a direct link for it: https://www.lolmanager.gg/games/upcoming

Give it some time and then your team will be assigned both a league and a ranked schedule.

Ya thanks, I realized that you gotta be placed in a league first for ranked games to happen
So you're assigned into a league automatically? I've been playing for an hour and a half and haven't been assigned to a league!