My midlaner

Any advice on how to strengthen my midlaner's performance? I'm not losing games but he tends to feed his ass off. That alone wouldn't worry me that much but he tends to have abysmal kill participation as well. Any reason as to why that may be and how i can fix it?
Maybe he is just weak ? My midlaner is 22.5 but he feeds almost every game, also try to make him play champs that he is playing in soloq
Its either his skill, his champion mastery in lane or his teamfightposition based on his tankstats.

Try to check those things.

e: Oh and you might have picked a bad midlaner tierwise. This affects mostly the lane as well.
Doesnt seem that u have him in a carry position but dont think about it top ad is strong 2
Well my midlaner sucks too :D
Thanks for the replies guys. well, i have him set to play either TF or Veigar, since they're his strongest vhampions rating wise. He DOES have a low mid rating compared to what some of you might have, It's somewhere around the 12-13 range but that shouldnt be much of an issue considering im still not that high up the ladder. I've got his teamfighting position set to look for opportunities (same as my AD) but their scorelines are like night and day. My AD almost always has like 70% of the kills in the game, granted he is the primary carry. Just to give you guys an example though, in my latest game AD has a scoreline of 98/26/28 and mid was 11/27/16. Maybe i should look for another midlaner :s
Do you have him building AD or something?
What the tf positioning on him? U can reply in pm if u want
" I've got his teamfighting position set to look for opportunities (same as my AD) but their scorelines are like night and day"

Its right in there :D

Tf/veigar is fine tierwise
teamfightposition is not too bad
champion mastery is ok

that leaves the damage/tank scaling, that might cause you problems.
or he might be too weak indeed.