Game simulator balance changes


with the new season starting there will be two main changes to the game simulator (will take effect after today's daily update).

1. ADC's survivability in teamfights will be buffed.
2. Junglers will be able to earn more gold in jungle.

After this I'm going to focus 90% of my time on the new version of game simulator. You can see the areas of focus and discuss them here https://www.lolmanager.gg/features-v2

10% will be for hotfixes and I will also have to improve the algorithm for promotion/demotion next season and give proper rewards. Would like some feedback about that as well, as I will try to decide what I'm going to do in regards of that by the end of the week.

1. Should there be playoffs. And in what kind of format? Let's say we take bottom 4 from Div 1, Top 4 from each Div 2, so there will be total of 20 teams competing.
Winners of Div 2 will skip the first round of playoffs. Then 16 teams will play 2 rounds until 4 are left and then these 4 will play the first positions and the 4 winners will promote. With seedings done according to the end positions and the weakest will face strongest from another division first? So this means 3 rounds in total. And perhaps best of 3? The games would happen on 3 days after the tournament, perhaps on fixed and not random times. This is just a proposition right now.

2. Propose what do you think is appropriate amount of prize money for ending at certain league position in certain divs.

Thank you for your feedback!
I think tournament playoff system for end of season ranking would be good. The first 6/7 teams should be in it, based on seeding. If the 7th/8th have the same rank as the 6/7th team, auto give the 6/7th team with the highest elo, if elo is the same use reputation/CPI.

For the 7th/6th to 4th team matches, they will have a best of 3 (or single game elimination matches which are also fine). This will eliminate 3 players so the finals will have 4 teams in your league for a playoff number one spot.

Then once the 4 players are confirmed. The top 4 teams in the division will do best of 3's elimination style. I think this idea goes best, because it means a team that's ranked lower can have a chance to do a playoff run and still have a chance to hit number one after an up and down season or simply adjusting to the new change in meta.

This also can help with the fact that when people realize their season is over because they lost a few too many games there may still be some hope for a comeback season.
This will also keep the top teams in a league to know that they may be chances of upsets and they should try to keep atop of the meta.
Great updates i felt like Adc's were pretty good but buffing their survavibility is fine and finally a jungle change ! my jungler with 22 in jungle were having way too low impact in game in kill participation and gold earning ! I'm glad to know that the work will go on game simulator now this will help us understand how the game works and change strategies Keep going its a good job
I think promotion/relegation is necessesary for sure and i like the system you proposed Henri :)
My adc with 24, who dropped 200 elo recently, will become useful again <3
Right on. I love where this game is going. I think that sounds like a great idea for playoffs.

Really really excited to hear about the ADC buff :) :) :)!!!
Dunno if the balance is set on but my jungler still gets less gold then my support every game :/
Jungler still earns less gold than support on average. Farm options give less CS than Gank options+less map pressure. Jungle needs entire AI overhaul, not just numbers.

ADC scaling change is great. All 3 lanes have carry potential now, so Top+Mid in back is not the default best.
For me top and mid are still dominating, adc is underperforming and jungler is like evelyn, invisible :D
This game is a lot more fun than I expected it to be. Can't wait for future updates.