The actual gameplay needs to be overhauled

The most important is actual gameplay. It needs to have the game simulator updated, it lacks everything that LoL stands for: minions and their mechanics (with and without inhibs destroyed), champion abilities and resources (mana/energy, cooldowns, range modified by levels invested into abilities etc.), itemization, objectives, turret mechanics etc. Even players with high role proficiency are not doing what they have been assigned to do, for example I assign farm only to adc with 18.5 adc proficiency and he goes for a fight 1v3 AFTER his support has died. I mean cmon, at least make us choose actual strategies that work in LoL rather than figuring out how to abuse the game simulator and go for some strategies that would never work in the real game.
Henri starts working on the game simulator in the near weeks, it'll get better soon:)