games max time end / tournament
i know this is going to be solved sometime in the future when devs deal with game engine.
however i think right now this can make pretty big upsets, and we should have a way to diminish this issue for the tournament final stages at least. i generally beat a guy in under 1hour, but then he won 3 games straight at 1.30.05. i dont think it would be fair to lose a game like this, when u generally win.
So my suggestion is either make bo3/bo5, and ideally remake if game is a 1.30.05 one (as i just lost 3 games straight at 1.30.05, so this could happen in a bo5 even and screw me) but bo3 or bo5 should already help to atenuate the problem. I think its very important to make sure the winner was the best team in the game, specially when prizes are at stake.