SO , after playing for a while now , ive come to conclusion that some champs are waaay too strong and others are way too weak to the point where they will never even be playe (unless both players massively ban said position)
For example midlane is full of OP picks with card master , evil master , pyro girl , blade dancer , ice bird and so on......while toplane is pretty much grandmaster territory , with the rest beeing a notch under.
JUngle picks are pretty much sad mummy and the rest , and while support picks have some diversity , most of us would rather use pyro or dark angel then actuall support picks.
That made me think a bit , and ive come to the conclusion that a lot of the picks are way underpowered , while some are way over the top.
For example card master (twisted fate) has a ridiculous easy lane phase , and average to good stats in pretty much everything. This is weird , considering real twisted fate has a crapton of weaknesses
mundo is another example - he has terrible scaling in here , when in reality he is one of the hardest scaling tanks
Sion has a stupidly weak lanning phase , when in reality sion has a pretty good laning with good poke , wave clear and insane tf pressence and cc/utility
Even sivir - sivir right now is one of the hardest scaling adcs with phisical damage , based on her ricochets. That and her ultimate is why she has the best teamfighting possible
Considering how hard it scales in in lol as a tank , malph should also have better scaling then it has
And this are just some random examples. there are actually a whole lot mroe champs that would see more play witha bit of buffs , or by nerfing others.
And i do believe that jungle and top champs especially need some rebalance
What do u guys think ?
Disclaimer: Have only been playing a couple days.
I'm not sure how much champs need to be buffed/nerfed, and how much of it comes down to the way the combat system works, or our lack of understanding in it.
I'd be completely happy were it the case that Card Master has an insanely hard time mid against a couple of champs that we just haven't discovered yet, for example. Maybe he has an obscenely hard time vsing a magic damage Mushrooms or something.
I'm also not completely sold on the Supports thing, with the preference to Pryo and Dark Angel. But this is because I don't yet understand Utility properly. I play with relatively heavy Utility on my support as it seems to help my other champs survive. I'm not sure how or why, but I mention it to highlight that it may not be directly a case of particular supports being 'underpowered' as such. Perhaps we just haven't yet found the counters to the current meta :)
I'm totally happy to be proven wrong on this. I'm still learning.
The question I have is : is the match simulator complex enough to simulate strenght and weakness ? I don't really think so. I'm maybe wrong, but i'm almost sure duel between champs, for example, are just dice roll with bonus and malus depending on the situation (% of physical damage scaling on the physical attribute of the champion, lane attribute, etc etc). It's not like there is an actual exchange, like tf is stunning his oppenent, but this is anivia so she will wall to prevent him to come closer for damages and stuff. It's not that complex.
To be able to really introduce strengths and weakness, we would need more player attributes (reactivity ? game sense ? everything right now is only technical) and more possibility in term of strategy planning. Currently, the only thing we can do is select which champion we want our mid laner to firstpick for exemple, but if we introduce counters, how can we tell him to react accordingly? We can't right now.
Moreover, the only feedback we have on "which champion is op right now" is the kda. It's not easy, based on that, to elaborate a tier list right now.
I think it is ok if they don't perfectly match in-game reality. I think a bigger concern is balance. Although I do think changes can be made that both benefit balance and make the champ more like real league.
I don't think Jax's lane phase should be this strong if he also is strong in every other stat too. I don't think Twitch's AOE+TF stat should be this low when he already has the weakness of bad laning phase. I don't think Soraka's Utility should be lower than Janna's when she has way lower CC and about tied in everything else.
For champions like Mundo and Zilean I think unique abilities might need to be added to the sim to make them relevant. They'll just be bad versions of Malphite and Morgana until then. But if Mundo had ridiculous self-healing ability in the sim that would be very strong and cool or if Zilean could bring people back to life/give mobility to other champs.
u guys entirely missunderstood.
what i meant by nerfs and buffs was simply buffing the stats that they already have. I realize the simulator is not complex enough for more things , and i do realize that trying to make it even more so might be hard , especially with a team that small of developers.
That being said , i do believe it would be plenty easy to replace the curent stats for each champ with new ones to balance some of them
I like that some champs are more powerful than others, it makes picks and bans strategy a lot more important, but it would be kind of cool if there were patches where which champs were op/up were switched up. Then again I'm still getting used to the utility buff and other changes I missed when I took a break :)