streaming ~ energy

With higher facilites kicking in soon, we might have problems to keep our streamer on a healthy energy lvl.
Even with 10soloq/10streaming they might gain energy and stuck at 100% energy, which reduces the streaming gain.
Is this intended?

Putting them up for teamranked appears to be not that cool.
Could be cool to take off the high energy penality of streaming revenue.
Maybe there could be an option for physical exercise/hitting up the gym to balance out energy levels, which is also a thing in rl esports coaching (at least in some LCS teams) . It could also affect other stats like gameplay or even personality.
I don't think so, but it is somehow a good idea
My streamers are already at constant 100% :(
How do you manage this?
My players do average 7 training sessions, 7 streaming sessions and 3 ranked and they are just barely climbing up towards 75%.

What level facilities do you have to have them at 100%?
only streamers ar att constant 100%, they don't player ranked or train, just soloq and stream. I got alot of facilities