I feel like people should be able to scout other players but not so much to a degree of seeing every single one of their matches. Of course they should be able to see any League games they have played. Not sure if they should see ranked games or not.
I also think their should be a toggle in the settings to set it so either anyone can scrim you, only friends, or no one. That way if you don't want your strat leaked you can set it so no one can play against you to find it.
This is something up to debate. What do others think?
Personally I also think that you should be able to keep your strats somewhat a secret. So a toggle to block your self from being able to play or not might be a good solution.
At the lowest level I think there needs to be a toggle to allow others to scrim you or not and not showing sandbox games to anyone.
They can still still see ranked and league games just not sandbox. You can still link any game you wish to as well. I don't see any reason people would disagree with this, but who knows.
Never got much of an actual reply on it, but check it out : P
already mentioned it somehwere. makine scim results public is kinda meh. This way you need to "spam" relevant games out of your history, so none-subs cannot check it. Iin the end subs have a game-changing advantage due to longer match history. -> not cool.