I don't know what to do about my players losing elo. I am currently no.1 in my league and win every league game but the team keeps losing ranked and solo q and they're jsut getting worse, even with coaching, good facilities, no instalocknig etc. Wat do ?
Do mean in terms of stats or just elo? Stats really shouldn't be dropping if you have a few (3-5) training sessions with a decent coach assigned to a player. ELO could fluctuate but as long as your stats are good and hopefully improving, I wouldn't worry too much about it. Also, do all your players have energy levels about 75%?
I have the problem that my Support does good in every single team game but keeps losing solo Queue games and actually dropped and stayed down at around 600 elo and no training or anything helped him so far
took a look at your support. looks like you had custom picks selected (not sure if you changed that since he recently played the cane top). Setting picks for soloQ causes them to be played even in other roles which is normally terrible for soloQ ELO. It does apparently mean that he will perform better on these picks in team games, which might explain your issue.
I want them to gain elo, but they just seem to be losing it slowly :/