economy / game balance

I really dislike how the economy works atm.
The only goal that one can have is to exchange your sponsors for the best available ones every day.

In a manager game it should also be possible to gain an advantage over others with a very good economical strategy.
An example for that is the day one sponsor situation where everyone could sign a sponsor that gives you 3k/day.
The ones that signed him ofc had an disadvantage to the others that didnt. But they had it because they made a bad decision and not because the game was unbalanced at that time.
Decisions like that one are the most important part of manager games for me.
You could have made the contract period of that sponsor shorter to reduce the damage because it was day 1 after the reset, but instead we got a cancel button which is still active like 7days later.

Another point is the staff market.
There is no competition for coaches or pr managers.
There are more than 5000 coaches and pr managers available atm so every team easily can get 10 stat coaches and pr managers for like 200$/day.
So basically you could also give like 1 10 stat rp manager and 2 10stat coaches to every team by default, it would make like 0 difference atm.

all you need to do for the best economy you could possibly have is to exchange all your sponsors for the best available ones each day and hire one rp manager so that your players increase their reputation.
You dont need to care about anything else.
A complete no-brainer.

I would also like to see a realistic handling of debts.
Maybe an ingame bank would be a nice idea.
You can get loans to maybe upgrade your facilities faster or to buy that one good player you needed to fill your team.
In return you need to pay interests for a fixed period.

But please change the economy asap.
I really dont want to compete in this no-brain money farming game :(
I hear you m8. We actually had a meeting about this topic this morning and agreed that some changes are necessary. There are some ideas how to improve this and make players climb more in order to receive results. Henri and I will closely monitor this topic and of course all other suggestions are welcomed :)
A way to balance the game is to provide more leverage on the strategic point of view (more parameters to play with and clearly see the effects) to give more influence on the outcome of the game. In CSManager for example, you could win games with specifically designed strategy even with lower level players than your opponents.

This way the economic part is much less valued and "not only money matters". Also if you want reward good strategical coaches, league wins should be more rewarded than sponsors. This way the managers focus will change.

Here the only clear strategic influence I see is the P/B phase. Thanks to the SoloQ games, it's possible to identify some strong champions and try to play with that in your favour. Then the builds or the level of risk are difficult to adjust because we don't have access to the precise stats of the players you are competing against. The ELO is not enough because I have some relatively poor players with decent ELO because they are probably lucky in SoloQ. The games stats are also not so trusful because they are very dependant on how the game went and the game viewever is not enough precise to really identify the strength of a team and postulate on the stats of each player.

Anyway, I can't wait for the next options in the strategy tab to be available :). I would also advise to give us access to more information in order to design some specific strat against known opponents. Overall, I think it's better to give more economical value to win a game and to add clear more influence by the strategy choices.
The economy is almost not valued atall atm XD
I hope you saw the latest update, this will balance out a lot of things :)
Waiting for balancing too cause 4 sponsors 40k each seems a bit... like playing with cheats mode. Everyone is close to the level 10 on every facility upgrade.

Agreed on the fact that we need more options on our strategy, or at least access to more way to know the effect on the strategy we set (kinda hard to analyse anything else but the KDA after the game, since teamfight are kinda big messy glob).
How bout sponsors tht give you daily income+ bonus money for wins ? you could get a risky sponsor, giving you less daily income, but if you win ranked/league game, you get more bonus money which results in more income overall. If you lose, you get less money than with a "safe" sponsor. Problem is tht teams might snowball rlly fast if theyre good already
Also, i there any point by showing everyone how much money they have? Isnt this better for bidding etc, if people didnt know exactly how much other people have.
i like the ideas of hidden money and the risky sponsors.
but anyways give me my bank :DDD