Champion masteries

It could be my fault, but I wasn't able to find champion masteries. I mean, we can select which champion to play in soloq, but does the system take note of it? Does the player actually get better with that champion? If so, where is it written down? If that doesn't still exist, i would suggest to implement that.
I hope my english is clear enough. Best regards to everyone who's gonna read.
This is a planned feature for a rather long time.
The devs talked about it pretty recently, so hopefully it will be a thing soon.

But for now, that's just missing.
This already exists, the more you train one champion the better your player will get in it.

http://d.pr/i/18EZ2 - this here shows which champ you play the best.
Ye, I saw that stat, but it doesn't look like the more you play the champ the better you get at him. Prolly it works on long times though. Ty for the answer.