Contract Suggestion

This entire post is built on an assumption that the contracts of staff can not be extended. If that is incorrect, please still read it because there is a secondary suggestion.

There is no method of extending contracts for staff members currently. I assume the reasoning for that is because you don't want players getting extremely good staff and just holding onto them forever. However this causes a problem for the players in that the time between you lose a coach and you get a new coach, your players could end up decaying in skill, also bidding is RNG and frankly annoying. Furthermore you can constantly extend the contract of players for the same amount of cash, so a player could theoretically just hoard good players (I'm aware of the players getting worse as they age but that's a different topic), which would fly in the face of not allowing coaches.

I think a way that could benefit the player base, be fair and actually be in line with real life is thus; You can extend the contract for staff the same way you extend the contract for players. However every time you extend the contract, the wage of the player/staff is increased. This is inline with "yearly wage increases" as seen in most real life industries, considering most contracts last a year, and allows players to maintain their contracts to a point. Eventually the contracts will get so expensive that it won't be worth it.

tl:dr all contracts should be renewable but each renewing should cause wage increases.

Thanks for reading!
Thank you for the suggestion. We will discuss this.