An interesting way to limit player selling

Something that may be interesting and would prevent people from selling off so many players, is that players who have played for a certain time, remember which strategy they had to play. (For example. Toplaner "Dyrus" is being sold by "TSM", if you buy him you'll see he often play "Kill" with a build of 55/45, and he had to go very deep.)

This would only show the strategy used on a specific player, not on everyone, and would limit teams to sell their players, as a part of their strategy might get leaked. Just something I thought would be interesting to have.
I dig this idea. After all, it's something we see in real league. Players get traded around, but they don't change their play style that much and it often causes them to not mesh with other teams for a bit.

This could prevent the richest of teams from buying all players with really high stats and winning with money, as the strategies might not work together for a while.