[Discussion] What would you like to get improved design-wise?

Any features more visualized, something added to the current ones or just some improvements?
Mostly eye-candy style suggestions prefered (avatars, UX/UI improvements etc.)
Maybe i'm not paying enough attention ... so i might say something stupid with this. but shouldn't it be nice to have actual timer on biding for coaches ? :D
Champion-specific builds are really needed.
It hurts to not be able to use AP champs as alternatives in top lane because your first choice is AD. You should move the "AD/AP/DEF/UTI" interface to under each champion instead of under each player.
Edit: maybe even move the lane aggression+teamfight positioning choices there too because that varies for each champion as well
Not sure if it's something you'd cover, but hovering over something giving out a tooltip.

If I hover over my players energy it would say how much worse he would be playing due to fatigue.

Also, a link to Club Forum at the top of the forum page would be nice as well.
Like already mentioned, its kinda weird if you set your jungler to go tank, but ending up with master yi. Or setting him AP (eve and amumu) and then playing master yi :D
Or AP/Utility on Support (Janna,Soraka) and then getting Tank Alistar/Taric ^^
A setup with If this champ is taken, play tank, else AP or something like tht would be rlly nice
Visual -
1. make fixed coaches list header fixed. I get lost in numbers when scrolling down.
2. In game list show kills of each team. (or even here /games/show/563154)
When you go watch if somone of your players played a soloq you should get, a small number next to W/L Like (+1) Ranked played or something =)
Clicking buttons should not reload the whole page.
This is quite annoying on mobile since it resets the current zoom.

As someone already mentioned it is good to have more information/tips on the pages. For example actual numbers for the benefits of facility upgrades, coaching streaming income etc.

This may me just me butstill: when ingame error messages appear (for example bidding for couch without enough money) they show only for a brief period and then disappear.
I think game stats and post-match stats could do to be laid out a little more like in League. After you play a sandbox, it doesn't show team kills, only player KDA, and can be hard to parse sometimes. I think a more visual layout for the information will help the learning curve of the game.
A lot of people do not seem to notice, that you can click on a lot of stuff to get a short cut.

Like money balance and position at the top are not clearly marked as a shortcut. There were a lot more, cannot quite remember right now.
The webpage must be more user-friendly and easy to use.
Many parts of the page requires a lot of refresh and effort.
I also want to point-out that is would be nice to have pictures or thumbnails on champions and other parts.
* I would love for there to be a complete match history for the league so that you can plan ahead and scout out your opponents better.

* I would love more information in the right places: for example - apparently I can't hire more coaches, I need to upgrade that somehow, but I don't know where (and it would be great to have the information before bidding not after)

* multi sort when looking for players/coaches so that I can sort on two (or three) stats and not only one
I wish I can pause a replay and slow down a replay and see max hp instead only current hp.
the invade button is in a weird place imo, always finding that im clicking on it without realizing
Make fixed coaches list header fixed. I get lost in numbers when scrolling down.

I think this is a very easy improvement that can do a lot, it can get really confusing with all these number in a row and often takes scrolling up and down a lot to make sure numbers are in the right row. In market place you can set the number of entries which helps with making it more clear, but doesn't show a lot of players. Doing the same for coaches would be a short term solution, however a fixed header when you scroll down would be the best solution imo.
Make the default sorting when clicking on a column in descending order. So we don't have to click twice on sponsor's income or player's stats
I'd like to see player-champion proficiencies be a little more intuitive/accessible. At the moment, the only way I've worked out to find who my guys are best at playing is to go into their game history, where I can see their "avg rating" against their champ in recent games.

I feel like it offers a lot more strategic options if, say, I pick up a new ADC who happens to be better with champions that are currently outside my pick/ban strategy.

Drafting around team strengths is pretty important, imo.

Edit: Also, being able to directly compare stats between two games would be cool. ie, run sandbox, tweak strat, sandbox the same team. Or run sandbox, run sandbox against different team. Then pull up information on KDA, CS, Gold, etc from both games to compare directly.
About the player-champion proficiencies.
http://d.pr/i/2JPH here's what I have designed earlier, the players view might or might not get a rework similar to this view. Would something like this be better?
That looks heaps better. I'd sort of like to see "avg. rating" for each champion in there, too, though. And possibly show only the top 5 or so, with the rest optionally hidden by default? (ie; dropdown to show champs outside the top 5) Might make navigating through your players a bit smoother.

Additional suggestion: Pick/Bans reworked to make it more intuitive - Have your twenty "top picks" (ie four for each role [assuming your first three ADCs are banned-banned-picked by enemy]) highlighted, with the rest of the pool below it, and click+drag in and out of the actual lineup. Four "Top bans" displayed in the same way.

[Ban1] [Ban2] {Ban3] [Ban4]
[Rest of ban Pool]
click+drag between.
I would love to be able to sort my players, so that I can decide where they show in the list.

(I'd keep my main line-up at the top in top-jg-mid-adc-sup order and my streamers/trainees below)
MVP icons per player for after a game; if your player was MVP then display their icon (kind of like Play of the Game in Overwatch).

Rename blue/purple to order/chaos and then have custom team colors.

Show tournament bracket (at least for final stages of tournament), even earlier on show the portion of the bracket that's relevant to you.
The most important is actual gameplay. It needs to have game simulator updated, it lacks everything that LoL stands for: minions and their mechanics (with and without inhibs destroyed), champion abilities and resources (mana/energy and cooldowns) itemization, objectives, turret mechanics etc. Even players with high role proficiency are not doing what they have been assigned to do, for example I assign farm only to adc with 18.5 adc proficiency and he goes for a fight 1v3 AFTER his support has died. I mean cmon, at least make us choose actual strategies that work in LoL rather than figuring out how to abuse the game simulator and go for some strategies that would never work in real game.