More individual stats

Hi. I don't know if you are already planning this (features tab doesn't hint anything) but I think you should consider adding more individual stats to each player.
Such as farming, harassing, positioning, rotating, intelligence, awareness etc. each of them trainable, with a diffrent max limit for each player.
like the csm stats per player ?
I second this, also let us select 2 strategies for each player before the game instead of just "team fight positioning" (which In my opinion is not so accurate) and you could add strategies to be role specific (just like the jungler ones), some I'd suggest:

-TOP: Farm, Harass, Engage, Exploit the Flanks, Split push.
-Jungle: (I like them).
-MID: Farm, Protect (ADC, sustain, shields), Harass, Assessinate, Split push.
-ADC: Farm, Play Cautious, Go with the flow, Harass, Play agressive.
-Support: Protect (ADC, sustain, shields), Disengage, Harass, Roam with jungler, Engage.

Also patiently waiting for the other team strategies <3
