Can I drop a sponsor?

I didn't realize how precipitously sponsor demands would drop within 1 day and locked in my team to the one sponsor available on day 1. This puts me at an enormous disadvantage, one large enough that I am confident if I reset my team through bankruptcy I could honestly improve my income tremendously more than I have to this point just due to that one decision. I obviously bought the sponsor slot I could and grabbed one of the new ones that is over 3x as much daily income as my first one but that can't compete with people who weren't active on day one, or people active who knew HOW fast the demands would drop within one day. If I could drop a sponsor I feel this team could still be competitive, but as it stands any smart opponent will bury me in income gained from 2 higher end sponsors, and thus bury me in every other aspect of the game given time.
But that leaves the 1-5% to utterly dominate everything. At this point I COULD have a $12,000 a day sponsor in a slot that for the next 18 days is filled by a 3,000 sponsor. The 1-5% (in your opinion, I think it's probably higher as not everyone was active enough to pick a sponsor day 1) who didn't will by the end of 18 days have 162,000 more income. And that's early game income, that can get you an INSANE head start for the long haul. Simply put, it in your opinion 90+% of players bests interests to declare bankruptcy and start over because of 1 decision on day 1. I know it's in my best interests to do so, but I refuse to as I think that the makers of this game will be generous enough to let us drop the sponsor in the next 3-4 days because making it intelligent for 90% of the player base to start over after 1 DAY just doesn't seem like good game design.
Yeah I already know that. I made a post in another Forum directed to the Devs and henri will checkk it today.
The idea was (like many other things) to give players joining later a better chance to close the gaps. So I understand the idea of constantly lowering the sponsors requirements. But the problem is they did it way too eaqrly and most sponsors do it too heavily.
Also at a certain point when everyone starts picking the 20k sponmsirs they will be unreachable for the starters as the requirements have grown vastly while the low sponsors are really easy to reach. This just is the opposite of the planned as this widens the gap a lot.