User Reward System!


I have created a user reward system in order to spread word about the game. Go check it out here https://www.lolmanager.gg/help
You can earn points by being active and helping the game reach a wider audience.

As we have been testing for a little bit now and the system seems stable enough I think we are ready to start enlargening our borders.

If you do want to see this game to keep happening and developing then helping by sharing the game with your friends or any other people you think might be interested is the best way you can help us right now.

Thank you for your support!
As a side note, since morning you can now also fire coaches and players if you have too many or you need to lower your expenses.
Working your butt off there, man. Love seeing this game grow in features
Awesome =) Already did it but Awesome
As I see someone doing good work already I'm running the user reward points updater script a bit sooner to test things out. Results and updated hiscore will be available shortly in few minutes.