New players - A bit of a guide here

Updated 04/04/2017

Hi and welcome to my FAQ for MobaManager. This is intended for new players but has lot's of information available as well as good resources in the links. Sorry for the wall of text but there is plenty of good stuff in here that can make you a better player.

Q. Who is that (X) champion?

A. Top question for the moment because it's asked so much. Visit this thread: https://www.mobamanager.gg/community/forum/topic/show/421

The wiki

Here is a wiki page for Lolmanager, I hope it is useful for answering any questions you have, if anything is not covered in the wiki, or it needs to be updated, please message below.

The strategy infographic v4.5

The Official guide

Here is also an 'Official' guide available on this website, it may be slightly out of date but can give you a general idea of what to do.

Discord server

There is also a discord server (link above) where you can chat about the game and ask questions, we have a group of mentors and regular players who are open to helping new players understand the game.

Learn more about the game with TAP

TAP stands for 'The Academy Project' and is a group collaboration between many members including League winners and 10 of the top 15 players of all time have tutored players here at some point. It is a discord server where you can ask for help. join in with a community and directly join participating clubs. Check it out with the link above.

I will post a few commonly asked questions here from what I have written.

Q. What is this game about?

A. This game is a text based Management simulator which is based on League of Legends. Similar to Football management simulators such as CsManager or others. You set your team up with a strategy, purchase facilities, hire staff, sign new players, manage their training and playing schedule. The game revolves around the daily update, so any changes made do not take effect until the daily update, with the exception of strategy which can be changed at any time.

Q. When is the game update?

A. Every day at 8 pm UTC +0, unless stated otherwise. There is a planned move of the daily update to better suit players time zones.

Q. How Do I play games?

There are 4 types of games: League, Ranked, Tournament and Sandbox. There is also solo queue which is for your players alone.

League games are played automatically without any control over when, they effect your league position.

Team ranked are played through out the day, depending on how many you chose to play the previous day (at the daily update). Change this on the players page.

Tournaments are signed up too by the player, they can be for fun, in-game prizes or real world prizes. The last major tournament prize pool included a Keyboard, headset and mouse. These games don't cost any energy to play and are scheduled in the tournament list.

Sandbox are test games that you can chose your opponent. They have no in-game effect but can be used to test strategy or show off your skill. They are very useful for learning which strategies work without playing them in real games.

For solo queue, these are played by each player in the same way as team ranked. You can chose to force them to pick certain champions or let them freely chose. Don't worrie too much about their individual elo, you simply need 1 player to have a good elo to meet the sponsor requirements, all your other players elo doesn't matter much. Solo queue also builds champion mastery.

Strategy section

Q. What is the best strategy?

A. Straight to the big question, hey? Why don't you buy us a drink 1st? We don't know "The BEST", but a lot of players have been developing their strategy over several months, some are better than others but you will need to find out a lot for yourselves. If a player has a strong strategy and they want to keep it for themselves then it's your job to find out how to beat it. Use sandbox games to practice against opponents and see what strategies you can use to beat them. I often prefer to find an opponent higher than yourself that you get very close losses too, then find a way to consistently beat them, remembering what changes you made and what worked. Move your way onto the next opponent whilst testing strategies.

Q. Ok, maybe not your personal best strategy, but any hints or tips?

Here is a visual representation of the current strategy tab explained. It took me a while and is very detailed. It gives an overview of what stuff does as well as what is currently good


And below is my previous one (for history)

I recommend getting your champion picks sorted 1st, make sure you have 4 chosen bans and at least 3 champions for each position arranged in order you wish to pick, with your highest priority champions at the front.

The game will chose the 1st available champion in your list and then remove that role from being picked, it will then take the next available champion that does not have a role picked until you have 5 players.

You have 2 bans available but I recommend lining 4 up. The reason is because if a team has the exact same bans as you, you may inadvertently ban the wrong champion. The reason I say at least 3 champions per position is because it makes it much harder to remove your champion pool.

I recommend picking a team with an identity. The main game is played around team fighting at the moment, advanced strategies such as split pushing are not available yet.

You also want to try identify the most impact full choices in game. For example, as of December 2016 vision has very little impact on the game and is not worth adding to your build.

Next is to make sure your stat assignment is correct, ADC's should be using attack damage and Mid laners should be using Magic damage. You chose how to assign your stats. Finish with setting your play style and you are all done. Test it out in sandbox, if you want to make minor tweaks, I recommend picking a single opponent and play them in between tweaking your strategy.

Q. What about builds? (utility, vision ect)

A. You can select how your player assigns his gold into a variety of stats, these are based on 3 categories, Tank, Damage and other.

For Tank, you need at least some points in each player. If you don't then as the game progresses you will just be out-scaled in suitability. Deciding how much you should assign is up to you. My Recommendation is you should not assign any more than 70 total points or any less than 30 total points into tank on any position. Health is more universal however resistances are more effective so a good mix is required and it's up to you to find a balance.

For damage, this is dependent on the champions you pick and which position. I recommend you start by picking champions that fit either AD or AP damage types for each position. For example a standard team would run with only AD tops, Ap jungles, AP mid, AD marksman and AP support. Ensuring every champion pick in that position uses that damage type ensures situations such as running AP on Barbarian king or AD on Mana do not happen.

Pick only 1 damage type to run, do not mix damage types as it is simply not effective. Damage shares it's stat allocation with the other category, but combined you should not be running more than 70 points in these or less than 30.

For other, there is Utility and Vision.
Utility provides area of effect healing to those near by and to the player themselves. The more allies that are around the utility player, the more effective his healing is. For this reason utility can be very effective. utility has it's limitations however as using utility makes that player less effective in 1v1 or 2v2 situations than someone who just ran full damage.

Vision is used to protect against the jungler ganking in lane. Vision spent reduces the chances of the enemy jungler making an effective gank. as of December 16th, vision is mostly ineffective.

All the strategy discussed above is forever changing but also situational. Once you understand the game simulator better, feel free to test as much as you wish. Test the extremes of what the game can do, the meta is a journey of discovery that you can take to find the secret strategies.

Q. I'm winning all my games in sandbox, is this normal?

A. Well your just a pro ain't ya? If you are clicking a random team in sandbox, it could be anyone from an afk user who hasn't set their strategy up to an experienced player. Unless you have a real winning strategy (PM me) then it's probably a reflection of who you are playing.

Q. I am losing all my games, what am I doing wrong?

A. Check through all your strategy, there must be a mistake somewhere, have you set your pick order up right? Check your games to check if the right champions have been selected. Have you read this whole post? There are more on strategy around. Also check you have 5 players on your team and they each have a position.

Finances / Coaches / Facilities

Q. How do I make money?

A. Sponsors and streaming will be your 2 main sources of income. You also gain income from winning league games, streaming income can build from $5’000 per player per day for 10 sessions to over $70’000. I do recommend making sure your economy is strong to start off. To start streaming, go to players, click on a player and on the drop down menu, assign him streaming session. Make sure you press update.
Just to note, streaming will use up energy, your players have 100 energy and the lower their energy is, the less effective they are in matches and in streaming so don't overkill your players.

Q. How do I hire coaches?

Read all about coaches right here

Coaches used to train players and increase their stats. A coach has 10 training sessions available per day and these can be spent on just 1 player or up to 10. A coach has a daily wage which you offer them at the start, this is paid every day until the contract expires of you chose to terminate it. To terminate a contract you click the "Fire Coach" button, this will charge the daily fee per day + 0.1 x (daily fee x remaining days left). You cannot rehire the same coach, when their contract expires they are no longer.

Reputation managers are used to boost your team and players reputation. Team reputation is used to gain more sponsors and is gained and lost naturally by playing games. A Reputation manager will significantly increase the reputation gained and reduce reputation lost depending on his stats. Player reputation applies to streaming, a players streaming revenue will rise the higher his reputation is. A player with high stats will gain reputation more easily than one with low stats.

This tab shows all of your members of staff, along with their stats, their wage, and their contract length. If you have no members of staff then you will see a message saying you have no coaches or reputation managers.

Your offers made will be shown here, you can keep track of all the members of staff you have offered contracts. If you wish to cancel the offer then click the blue button to cancel next to the staff member.

How to hire coaches

To hire coaches, scroll through the list of coaches until you see a coach you wish to make an offer on. Beside their stats there is a text box with an initial wage. Type your offer into this text box and click the blue offer button.

You cannot offer less than the initial wage offer. Next to this box is a list of how popular the player is with other users. Extremely popular shows lots of players have made offers. The player with the highest offer when the game day ends will receive the player.

Making a successful offer to a coach often depends on demand, offering more than what you think other players might be willing to pay. You will pay the amount you offered the coach on a daily basis regardless of what the second highest offer was. You will not know if your bid was successful until the next game day which occurs at 8pm UTC+0. You will receive a notification if you were successful with your bid or not, if you were not successful then you will see the price of the winning bid. If you were successful, head over to training under the players tab.

You can sort staff by stats, both in ascending and descending order by clicking on the headings. There are also filters you can use to sort coaches. This is often useful for finding a coach for a particular role.

Q. How can I train my players?

A. When you have hired a coach (see coaches above), you can go into players, under the subheading training. There you can assign sessions to players. You may use up to 10 sessions per coach spread across your team however you wish. The ideal range for training players is between 8 and 12 sessions per day, I would recommend 8 or 10 to begin with.

Q. Are facilities any good?

It depends, but yea. Your economy is the most important but facilities provide a boost to your whole team, to compensate they have a high cost associated with them. The gaming house in particular allows you to hire more coaches and players the higher level it is.

More on facilities here

Facilities are purchasable upgrades for your whole team. They provide various team benefits but also have an initial cost and maintenance cost. The higher the upgrade is, the higher the costs are. If you wish to downgrade your facilities, you receive half of the cost increase.

The 4 facilities available are

Gaming Gear
Gaming House
Sleeping Area

Gaming house increases the amount of staff and players you can hire. At the start you can hire 6 players and 2 staff, each level of gaming house increases your capacity by 1 player or staff in an alternating fashion.

Advanced warning! Be very careful early on with the Utility facility, the purchase costs are low however the daily maintenance is huge and many have been caught out by upgrading their Utilities really high early on and then losing all their money overnight.

Q. I have X amount of money, what do I buy?

A. That is simply what you think will provide the biggest benefit to your team, it depends on where your team is currently, what your long term strategy is and plenty of other factors.
For a team looking to be strong in a few weeks, with a good economy and base to train players and progress, Lv7 sponsor slot is great for income, Facilities around Lv10 gaming gear, Lv7 gaming house, Lv8 sleeping area and lv 5 can provide a lot of profit per day with good streamers. With 1 pr manager and 4 coaches this should be achievable in 2-3 weeks max, from there you should be able to upgrade as you see fit.

User customization

Q. What is that awesome badge you have? Where can I get one?

What this gold one? Why thank you, It is a reward for subscribing to the game. If you want one, head over to store and give a bit of money to support our fantastic developers. They need money for Pizza. The Red icon is for Developers, if you want one then PM one of them with your resume with loads of fancy stuff and just maybe you might get one. The Blue badge is given to Community managers, these are players who have a duty for the developers to improve the community, as well as provide feedback.
The Green one is for Beta testers, if you were not in beta you can't get one, sorry.
The final badge is the special Dark Green badge, this is given to the previous tournament winner, who currently is Jordan, team 4Profits. If you want this badge then you simply have to be really really good at this game.

I recommend the gold badge, you get 100 respect points in chat, don't have to do any work and it comes with other cool benefits such as being able to import and export strategies, rename players and other things. There are also cool team Icons to purchase.


Q. How do I play vs a certain player?

A. Go to their profile (click their name), Click their team, then click either blue or purple in the top right-hand corner to play against them.

Q. When can I start playing Team ranked / League games?

A. After the daily update, your team will automatically play the number of team ranked games you assigned them to do the day before, so if you set them to play 3 games, they will play those games at regular intervals through the day. Your league game will also be played, however league games are not starting for a few days. You will receive a notification when you play your game.

Q. The sandbox games are throwing up wired results, Is this normal?

A. This can happen from time to time, the simulator can throw up some unusual results. Unless you feel there are some really unusual interactions happening they are generally considered part of the game at the moment. If you do feel the result may have been really unusual due to a bug, please post your findings along with the game link in the bug reporting forums. The current game time limit is 2 hours.

Q. Who is that (X) champion?

A. Visit this thread: https://www.mobamanager.gg/community/forum/topic/show/421

Q. There is a bug on the (x) what do I do?

A. 1st check the forums and see if it's reported. If not then make a thread in the bug reporting section. Please do not use general discussion to report bugs. If you find out a potential exploit that could be abusable and classed as cheating, please PM someone with a Red icon with details. DO NOT post exploits on the forums please, please DO NOT share them with your friends.

Other questions

I will get around to these when I have time, if any players are on want to give me a hand.

Q. What are the best stats for my players?

A. Usually, they are stats that reflect their player role, so a Mid laner will benefit most from the mid stat. Technique is also important to improve how your player's farm.

Personality is also a stat that is very useful for making money. When a player with a personality stat streams, they gain reputation which increases their earning potential. This effect is increased with reputation managers with high player rep stats.

Q. How can I train my players?

A. When you have hired a coach (see coaches above), you can go into players, under the subheading training. There you can assign sessions to players. You may use up to 10 sessions per coach spread across your team however you wish. The ideal range for training players is between 8 and 12 sessions per day, I would recommend 8 or 10 to begin with.

Q. What happens if I don't have 5 players?

A. You can’t play games properly sadly, you will receive an error that says “This game was surrendered due to loser team being either a bot team, frozen account or invalid strategy.”
Don’t worry, you are not banned (probably). Just acquire a new player to fill your roster and ensure he is set in all your strategies. Check new strategies and the default one to ensure your new player is on the team. You can acquire a new player through the Youth Academy, Scouting or the transfer market.

Q. How do I remove a player from the transfer market?

A. You can't, sadly. If you have made a genuine error and accidentally listed a player, contact Henri as soon as possible and he can reverse the listing. The best method of contacting him is through the discord (link at the top)

Q. Why can't I bid on a player on the transfer market?

A. Do you have sufficient funds to purchase the player is the 1st question, if you answer yes then check that you have a space on your squad to fit a player. If you do not have space then you are required to fire a player before bidding on a new one. There is an error message that pops up that gives a reason why your bid may have failed.

Q. How can I get a promo code?

A. The https://www.championeval.com/ site where you get the code is a rating system. You answer the questions by picking one of 2 champions that are best at a certian thing in the game. These make up the champion ballancing in the main game.

After you complete the quiz (with a 90%+ accuracy rating) you are given a code. You can put this into your team by going to settings here - https://www.mobamanager.gg/settings/account (you need a team already for this one) or when you 1st sign up and create a new team.

The code works at any time, just 1 per account.

Goodbye and thanks for all the fish

If you have any more questions, ask away below, I'm sure someone will answer them and I will add them to the list.
Can you in some way sticky this post to the top of the forum page? It was very helpful
When a dev comes online I'm sure they will, I think they might be sleeping right now.
Awesome thread Ed. Really gonna help me out when I get to reading it all! Cheers
Very helpful stuff. GJ Ed. I knew you had it in you. I KNEW you had it in you..... I KNEW IT!!!!
Thanks guys, there are a few questions down at the bottom that I could do with a few answers written if I could get some help, I don't have the time to answer them all.

I am writing a massive mega guide which I have shared with a few beta testers and Netstand has also agreed to help me write it, any volunteers would be very welcome.
Im youre man contact me via PM and I can give you are more accesable way to chat. ;)
Nice one...
Bump for updating :)
I gave the thread a quick update, nothing major other than answering a few extra questions. If you would like to contribute, please leave a common question and response below (or PM me) and I shall credit you.

Alternatively, we are looking for more volunteers to assist updating the Wiki and adding the missing sections. I will personally thank any major contributes as well. Lot's of thanks to Salvarity already for his help in setup of the wiki but we need others.
Thanks for the great guide!
Awesome Guide, ty!
Any thoughts on if different roles are more important to the overall performance in a game?
My gut says yes, but I am reletivly new to the simulation and have notice that my knowledge of mobas isnt equivalent to how the sim works (example, vision is worthless in the sim)

IE, is it more important to get a top tier bottom vs a top tier jungler?

PS: your guide is incredibly helpful, nice and short, and has certainly helped my performance (vision tip is a big one)
whats with this logo, i see it everywhere now :D

EDIT: nvm its the default one haha
@cerin616 Thanks for the feedback. On the subject, my guide is not a total overall guide for the entire game, there are plenty of decisions to make yourself. However I wish to give new players all the information to make informed decisions and get them up to speed so everyone is playing on an even footing if they are willing to read.

@Sgoil... I miss you on discord
thanks for this
Great guide for us newbies! :)
I love this guide. I went from being hit/miss to winning very consistently. Thanks for making this!
thanks for the guide
Thankyou Klman, I shall update it with the new achivements when I can.
Suh dude
Thanks, awesome guide mate!
Thanks for the guide! :D
Nice guide +rep
Write to froum. check
Really handy!
Ty ED really needed this!
Thanks man
Thx. :)
Thank you!
I'm sad I never saw this intially, this is very helpful.
doing this to complete achies
This helped me climb to the top 10 in elo thanks!
I found it very helpful thanks for that ^^
the quiz at the end is literally the most frustrating shit imaginable.
This is an amazing guide, thank you very much!
This was really helpful, thank you so much!
Sorry for the noobish question and sorry if this goes under another thread, but where do you see how much do you actually pay for each of your players salaries? I can only find the global cost of them under Money Balance, and I can see how much it will cost me if I extend the contract with my players. But it seems I cannot find the actual single salary of anyone anywhere.
You can see the players individual salaries under the "players" tab on the right.
Sorry, so the "wage" tab is their salary?
I thought that was how much did they gained with streaming... So that one is a different stat? Where I can find how much do one gain from streaming?
Exactly, wage is their individual salary. You can see their streaming income under team -> finances every day after the daily update.
Thank you, you were very helpful.
You're welcome mate, any time :) If you are looking for a club you should consider joining club soda, we have a discord server and there are people online to ask questions almost all the time. You can apply to club soda: lemon if you like!
Please Help me my mobamanager display is crop or not full i cant bid player in market how to change this resolution thanks
Maybe try zooming out? Ctrl +/- should maybe fix it.
I'd like to remind everyone that this guide is outdated in terms on strategy.

Noone has taken up the task to make a new one, unfortunately.
does the meta changed a lot from that?
Yes it did...
I was reading through this today for a bit of reference and couldn't reach Champ Eval website.
Is that still a thing or part of the outdatedness?
I believe its part of the "out-date-ness" :(
Thanks a lot for the guide!
thanks for writing this
Thx for this help! :D