Strategy: Mastering difficulty

I found pretty dumb that any player can play perfectly GP in a first time. A new stat called "difficulty" should be added. The more the "difficulty" of a champion is, the more the player need games to know how to play him well. High difficulty champs would also have better stats because of the training games needed to make it worth to play him correctly. I dunno if this was already suggest, but i didn't found any recent similar post. Sorry if it already been suggest :x
I believe there is a hidden stat called champion mastery, which you gain from your player playing SoloQ games with a champion. I am not certain if this is active but it was mentioned on the test server.
It was definitely on the test server so I'm almost sure it's live atm.
Really that would be a little weird as in my opinion there are more important things to implement like aggro, leadership or age.
This should be implemented but I have to confirm this with Henri.
This shouldn't be hidden then, on the real lol, it's easy to see which champs is prefered by any pro with stats and masteries.
I agree. It would be really annoying for this to be some hidden stat. All the people here have no idea if it is implemented. In league, you can clearly see the person's champion mastery points and number of games played as that champ.