Beginning Sponsor Slots

Hello, I am new so could be confused. I notice the about section tells me I start with two sponsor spots, however the sponsor page tells me I only have one. Which one is correct?

The sponsor page also says it has two requirements which are team and solo elo, however I cannot get sponsors whose requirements for those two items I meet. But in the about section it also state reputation as a needed field. can someone clarify which ones I may be misunderstanding.

It is actually 1, I will have that typo fixed. Thanks for noticing :)
No problem, does that mean I made a mistake grabbing one now, and will be shut out of higher offers in the future?
No, dont worry about it, the sponsors will probably lower their requirements if no one is applying.
Just a note, it's fixed on the sponsor page but on the about page under guide it still says 2. Figured I'd let you know.